Pengaruh Skema Bonus Direksi terhadap Aktivitas Manajemen Laba
(Studi Empiris pada Badan Usaha Milik Negara)
Periode Tahun 2003 - 2006
Bonus scheme for board of directors of state-owned enterprises use components related to earnings number as basis to compute bonus. Hence, this scheme could motivate management to engage in earnings management activity to maximize their bonus.
The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of director’s bonus scheme in state-owned enterprises on earnings management. Our samples consist of 326 firm-years state-owned enterprises during year 2003-2006.
Our results show that overall there is positive and significant effect of bonus scheme on earnings management. This result indicates that directors engage in earnings management activity to increase their bonus.
Keywords: bonus, earnings management, state-owned enterprises
1.Latar Belakang
The existence of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) is almost always the public spotlight. SOE performance is often judged insufficient characterized by the low level of profitability compared with the amount of capital invested. Limited resources and lack of professional management as the manager of the company is often blamed as the cause of poor performance of SOEs.
As one effort to raise professionalism and motivate SOE management to improve corporate performance, it is necessary to the adjustment of remuneration management of SOEs with the prevailing professional remuneration in the market. To that end, in 2002 established new guidelines for remuneration for Directors and Commissioners SOEs include the calculation of salaries, facilities, retirement benefits, and bonuses (bonuses) that the calculation is based largely on the size of the company's financial performance, especially earnings.
Of the four types of remuneration provided to Directors SOEs, the bonuses (bonuses) are the most interesting to discuss. First, the bonus given to the Board of Directors "every year" if the company booked a "profit". Second, unlike the third calculations other types of remuneration, bonus calculation component is not solely dependent on the financial performance of the respective companies but also on last year's performance and budget targets (budget) of the company. The use of performance measures, performance standards and the structure of the relationship between pay and performance bonuses in the bonus scheme, bonus scheme makes a very firm-specific and implications are also becoming more complex.
Simposium Nasional Akuntansi 11