Empirical Study on the Capability (Studi Empiris terhadap Kapabilitas)

Empirical Study of Strategic Capabilities Manufacturing Company in Indonesia

Information Systems FE-UGM


In operations management, strategic capabilities directly influences a company's success factors in competition. The purpose of this paper is to examine the Relationship Between Strategic manufacturing capabilities in Indonesian manufacturing industry. The survey was conducted through Internet-based questionnaire and statistical analysis, particularly structural equation modeling (SEM), was Used to apprehend this concept.

Analysis of the data reveals The quality That is a basis for delivery, Which is the basis for flexibility and cost. Whether flexibility and cost are pursued exclusively or simultaneously, it Seems to be connected with the implementation of certain improvement programs. This common pattern of capability accumulation Can be Used to estimate potential behavior or as a way to perform in an innovative manner.

Keywords: manufacturing capabilities, strategic manufacturing, resource-based view


Corporate strategy can be interpreted as an organizational tool to reach and maintain success. Taken from the Greek strategia, namely the ability to utilize available resources to win a military conflict, corporate strategy is often interpreted by businessmen as the true focus in the competition (Mitreanu, 2006).

Given the competition takes place exclusively at every level, (almost) the entire organization and then fully concentrate on strategic efforts to continuously improve our products and services they offer to customers. The emphasis on competition encourages organizations to deliver ideas and actions that trigger the birth of sustained success.

In the eyes of operations management, corporate strategy is supported and shaped by strategic capabilities. Wheelwright (1984) argues that strategic capabilities in manufacturing companies is the ability to produce: (1) with low cost, (2) with high quality, (3) reliable and quick in delivery, and (4) flexibility in the choice of the combination and volume of products . Is the main occupation of manufacturing companies to develop, nurture, and memandirikan these strategic capabilities. It is expected that positive correlations will appear in strategic decision making and better performance (Roth and Miller, 1990; Swamidass and Newell, 1987).

Original Title:

Studi Empiris terhadap Kapabilitas Strategik Perusahaan Manufaktur di Indonesia

* Simposium Nasional Akuntansi 10 - Makassar
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