The long-run performance of initial public offerings: comparison between shari’ah and non shari’ah-based firms

The long-run performance of initial public offerings:
comparison between shari’ah and non shari’ah-based firms


This paper empirically investigates the difference of the performance between shariah-based and non shariah-based firms that listed on the Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSX) during the period July 2001 to December 2005. The results show that, when using equally-weighted cumulative abnormal return (EW-CAR) and equally-weighted buy-and-hold abnormal return (EW-BHAR), the long-run performance of IPOs return between shariah and non shariah firms are significantly different. However, the significance disappears when the returns are calculated with value-weighted cumulative abnormal return (VW-CAR) and value-weighted buy-and-hold abnormal return (VW-BHAR). Further, the results show that shariah-based firms outperform the market in almost every month for two years, except month 7 and 10 when using VW-CAR. However, non shariah-based firms underperform in almost each month.

Key words: long-run performance, IPO, shari’ah, equally-weighted, value-weighted.

JEL Classification: G1.

1. Introduction
In recent years, the academic community has closely examined and intensely debated the performance of IPOs, particularly in the long-run. The analysis of the long-run returns is directed towards a methodological approach. Thus, Barber and Lyon (1997), Kothari and Warner (1997), Brav and Gompers (1997), Fama (1998), Lyon, Barber and Tsai (1999), Loughran and Ritter (2000), Gompers and Lerner (2003), Ang, Gu, and Hochberg (2005), and Ahmad-Zaluki, Campbell, and Goodacre (2007) have argued that the method of performance measurement influences both the magnitude of the abnormal returns as well as the size and power of the statistical test.

Our research sheds additional light on the performance of IPOs by empirically examining the long-run performance of shariah-based IPOs. We therefore add to the growing body of evidence on the long-run performance of new issuers. The study of IPOs in the Islamic capital market is of interest because IPOs in Islamic capital market are smaller than those launched in non Islamic capital market. Furthermore, the characteristics of shariah-based firms are different from the characteristics of non shariah-based firms. We thus hope to shed light on whether the characteristics and the institutional setting of shariah-based firms might affect IPO performance. This research makes two distinct contributions to the literature concerning the long-run performance of IPOs. First, we use shariah-based and non shariah-based firms as sample. Second, we use two different measures to calculate the abnormal return : cumulative abnormal returns and buy-and-hold abnormal returns.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In section 2, we provide a brief literature review concerning the long run share price performance of IPOs. Section 3 describes the methodology of this paper. Section 4 describes the results. And section 5 describes the conclusion and remarks for the future research.

............................End of Summary............................
Jurnal Simposium Nasional Akuntasi XI (SNA 11)

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