Effect of Ownership Structure And Corporate Parties-Party Transactions with Related Parties The Power Of Accounting Information
(Pengaruh Struktur Kepemilikan Perusahaan Dan Transaksi Dengan Pihak-Pihak Yang Memiliki Hubungan Istimewa Terhadap Daya Informasi Akuntansi)
This research studies the effect of ownership structure and related party transactions on the informativeness of accounting numbers. Indonesian sample is interesting to be examined due to low quailty of accounting numbers, concentrated ownership, family control and high-dominant related party transactions. Using the model levels and changes models, studies show That this concentration of ownership increases informativeness of the accounting numbers to the capital market. However, concentrated ownership by family or the informativeness of accounting numbers decreases to the capital market. Further, the magnitude of related party transactions That has been earned or Used, as reported in one of income statement accounts, increases informativeness of accounting numbers. Otherwise, the magnitude of related party transactions That has not earned or Used, as reported in one of balance sheet accounts, Decrease informativeness of accounting numbers.
Key words: accounting information resources, concentration of ownership, family control, transactions with related parties
Since 1994, Indonesian accounting standards have been prepared with reference to internationally accepted accounting standards (Internatioanal Accounting Standards / IAS or converted into International Financial Reporting Standards / IFRS since 2001). However, several studies provide evidence that the quality of accounting information in Indonesia is still low. Based on the Price Water House Coopers survey in 1999 in the eyes of international investors, Indonesia is one of the worst countries in terms of "in standards of auditing and compliance, accountability to shareholders, standards of disclosure and transparency and Board processes (PWC, 1999). Graham and King (2000) discovered the power of information in accounting numbers to the market price is relatively low compared with Asian countries is another. Accounting information resources in Indonesia are under the state of the Philippines, Thailand and Korea. Leeuz et al. (2002) found that the level of earnings management in Indonesia is relatively high (ranked the 15th largest among the 31 countries) using data between 1990 and 1999. The ranking of earnings management in Indonesia to Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines.
The low quality of accounting information in Indonesia, although it has been adopting international accounting standards is not only happening in Indonesia. Ball et al (2000) showed that the adoption of international accounting standards does not by itself guarantee a high level of transparency as has occurred in four countries: Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.
*Simposium Nasional Akuntansi 10 Makassar
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